Fasilkom Doctoral Promotion – Dr. Sidik Mulyono

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On Friday, February 6, 2015, Fasilkom UI held an open session for the conferment of doctorate in Computer Science to Sidik Mulyono with his dissertation: Aplikasi Data Penginderaan Jauh Untuk Deteksi Fase Tumbuh Padi Dengan Metode Heuristik dan Prediksi Panen Padi Dengan Pembelajaran Mesin (The Application of Remote Sensing Data in Paddy Growth Stages Detection with Heuristic Method and Paddy Harvest Prediction with Machine Learning).

This research aims to find new methods that are more effective in predicting paddy harvest production using Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) as well as monitoring paddy growth stages in Indonesia. The detection uses spectral index-based heuristic method that has been validated with ground-referenced data. Henceforward, prediction models were built using 3 types of Kernel-based learnings, which are kernel-based regularized principal component regression (RK-PCK), kernel-based extreme learning machine (RK-ELM), and kernel-based support vector machine (SVM). A new cloud removal method is also proposed in order to improve the accuracy of prediction model, thus completing the 3 stages of paddy growth.

The session was led by Mirna Adriani, Ph.D. The promoter was Prof. T Basaruddin, Ph.D., while the co-promoter were M. Ivan Fanany, Ph.D and Dr. Muhammad Sadly (BPPT). Prof. Dr. Aniati Murni Arymurthy, Hisar Maruli Manurung, Ph.D, Lim Yohanes Stefanus, Ph.D, Dr. Eng. Wisnu Jatmiko, and Dr. Sri Nurdiati (FMIPA IPB) were present as the examiners of this session. The dissertation succeeded to get high distinction result. Dr. Sidik Mulyono was conferred Fasilkom UI’s 37th doctorate in Computer Science.